As we already know, among
list of about 60 various taxes collected by our Comptroller, income tax will
not be on that list. Instead we see a few that are quite unclear or just silly.
For example: the Cement
Production Tax, collecting 55 cents per ton of cement from the person who
manufactures or produces cement in Texas. The only other state that I have seen
with a similar tax is Montana. Get this: the Oyster Sales Fee, which collects
one dollar for every “300lb-barrel of oysters taken from Texas waters” due the
20th day of every month.
Due quarterly is the Fee on
Sexually Oriented Businesses Tax, which puts you out of a sexy 5 dollars for
every “entry” by the customer admitted to the business. I doubt that previous
tax is so rare for other states, but it still is pretty fun to look at the
specifics and numbers of some of these taxes not really seen by the common man
(or woman.)
Concluding my list but definitely not the last on the tax list is the Pari-Mutuel Tax. This tax is imposed on money wagered on Horse and Greyhound Racing, including during broadcasts. 1% is collected per about 100 million dollars for live pools or horses or greyhounds. A report must be received by the comptroller the business day following a race.
The fact that these
seemingly strange taxes exist really makes me wonder what kind of revenue is
built from these taxes specifically. I wonder if these are a result of
compensation for a nonexistent income tax.